Update Monday 13th January 2025
What a fabulous turnout for the Premiere and second screening of Paper Portraits – Penicuik’s beautiful artistic film about its paper making days, drawing on living memory, acted by local people – written and directed by Gerda Stevenson, produced by Penicuik Community Arts Association. Thank you to everyone who contributed to its production, and everyone who came to see it this weekend. And huge thanks to the Penicuik cinema team who were so helpful, efficient and professional. A very special tribute to an important part of Penicuik’s history. For those who missed it, it will be screened again in March.
The film was premiered at Penicuik’s Cinema in the Town Hall on Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th January 2025 !
The Saturday premier and the Sunday second screening were both sold out.
There is a waiting list for the third screening – please email to join the waiting list and make sure you’re the first to know when tickets are available!
Here’s a wee poster exhibition that was shown at the PCDT Open House coffee morning on three Saturdays before the film was shown. It gives a bit of background and some photographs.
Written and Directed by local professional Gerda Stevenson, realised by a very small team of four professionals who gave many voluntary hours on top of their paid contract, and involving more than 70 local people, this film is a tribute to the workers of the paper mills throughout their long history. It’s a beautiful production and a credit to everyone involved..
How it all began
Aim: We applied funds from the SCOPS Trust for a project employing a professional playwright, Gerda Stevenson, to write a drama based on our paper-making heritage, bringing together local amateur actors and musicians, and others who might not have performance experience. We envisage this will help all residents remember and celebrate this important aspect of their heritage, and provide expressive opportunities for the amateurs who take part. The drama will be produced as a short film, under the direction of Gerda, and with filming professionals.
The PCAA is thrilled to receive grant funding for the second of two years’ work.
Our first job was to find as many people as possible with experiences (first or second hand) of working in the paper mills. Many people came forward with their stories, memories and souvenirs of their mill experiences.
Next, Gerda contacted Penicuik’s Paper-Making museum at Pen-y-Coe Press, the Penicuik Historical Society, Penicuik Community Theatre Group and other local organisations for information and collaboration, and used your stories to write a film script. This process was delayed due to Gerda’s sad and difficult time nursing her ill husband and dealing with subsequent bereavement. SCOPS kindly allowed us six months extension to the deadline so that Gerda could complete the script
After six months, the PCAA wrote an interim progress report.
At the end of the eighteen months, the script was complete, and the PCAA wrote a detailed report about the first part of the work. This was satisfactory, and after responding to more questions from the SCOPS trust, they gave us the money to pay for the second year’s work, when professionals will work with amateur actors from Penicuik, to shoot the individual scenes and the linking footage.
Update – 17th May 2024: The amateur actors were auditioned and parts allocated in February 2024; several visits were made to potential filming locations, decisions were made and building owners contacted. Rehearsals and filming started in April 2024 and props were purchased as needs arose. Actors and professional film crew have been working incredibly hard since the beginning of April, creating footage of the spoken scenes and the link scenes. Filming is ongoing and we are preparing the interim report for this second year of project funding.
Photos – filming at the Paper-Making Museum, next door to Pen-y-Coe Press
Update – 23rd November 2024: The film “Paper Portraits” is finished! We are looking forward to its Premier on Saturday 11th January 2025 7pm at Penicuik Town Hall. There will be a second screening on Sunday 12th January 2025 7pm. The film will be screened by the PCDT’s Penicuik Cinema Group.
There will be a small exhibition about the film at the PCDT’s Saturday Open House Coffee Morning in the Town Hall on Saturday 7th December and Saturday 14th December 2024 10am – 1:30pm.