Craft Co-op

We regret that the Craft Shop upstairs at 4 West Street is now closed.  This is due to lack of volunteer sitters for the shop.

The good news is that the PCAA Craft Cooperative continues to operate, and sells hand made items just over the road in the Storehouse in Penicuik High Street. There are also sales shelves for the Craft Cooperative in the Arts Centre Café-Gallery.

Please email if you have comments or questions.

Information about the Craft Cooperative

Our craft co-operative is a group of talented craftworkers and artists, mainly from the Penicuik area producing hand crafted goods such as silk batik, pottery, herbal products, dried flowers, knitwear, hand painted silk items, jams, honey, hand made cards, watercolours, wooden articles and stained glasswork.

Many of our members take commissions and will do their best to satisfy any special requests from customers.

Anyone who would like to join the co-operative can leave samples of their work in the café (packaged and priced as it would be for sale) along with their name and a contact telephone number. Co-op members are given a chance to examine the work, and to vote whether it should be accepted.

We are resuming our November Craft Fair in 2022!